Sunday, June 07, 2009

Constructive Activism

Social activism has generally received cynical coverage in the media on account of its negative, and sometimes even nihilistic, approach. Activism in most cases has been in condemnation of a project and very rarely in support of something worthy. In this context, it is refreshing that a new group called carrotmob has emerged in San Francisco the members (known as slacktivists who cannot spare too much money or time) of which actively support malls which contribute to environment-friendly measures. These members make their purchases from such malls only. May such groups multiply in every sphere of life !


Anonymous said...

One hopes that such positive activism will catch on.The public should learn to be less indifferent to issues that affect them.

Anonymous said...

One hopes that such positive activism will catch on.The public should learn to be less indifferent to issues that affect them.