Saturday, November 14, 2020

Barack Obama on Manmohan Singh

 Barack Obama's memoir 'A Promised Land' promises some confusion also. His observation on Manmohan Singh is as inscrutable as the latter's face.

There is no disputing the fact that the former prime minister of India was poker-faced. He was impassive. He was also considered to be a person of integrity. This of course is not an undisputed fact. He trivialised the unethical conduct of his ministers as the consequence of 'coalition dharma'. He could easily put up with the shenanigans of both his ministers and his leader. At least to that extent, his integrity was diluted and doubtful.

Barack Obama, according to pre-publication reviews of his memoir, says that Manmohan Singh possessed 'impassive integrity'. Does this mean that Singh does not wear his integrity on his sleeves? Integrity cannot be opaque. It is transparent if it exists. If it is hidden or if it is sought to be hidden, it does not exist. Crooks hide dishonesty. Nobody can hide one's honesty. So this interpretation of Obama's enigmatic (impassive?) comment does not lead us anywhere.

Is there a printer's devil? Does Obama simply want to say that Singh is known for his deadpan expressions and also integrity? Maybe yes. It is not only that MMS is inscrutable but any characterisation of him also ends up being incomprehensible. Obama is known for clarity of thinking and ease of expression. Manmohan Singh has confused him!

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