Sunday, June 02, 2019

Rahul Gandhi's shocker

Opposition parties have a key role to play in any democracy. It is often said that China can develop faster than India because there is no democracy in China and therefore government takes quicker decisions there. Though this argument is plausibly logical, this overlooks the fact that the government in a democracy gets the benefit of opposing views which are often useful. Democracy is a political arrangement that facilitates sustainable economic progress.

Unlike in an autocracy, there are checks and balances in a democracy. An effective opposition provides an effective check against egregious behaviour by the ruling party. The leader of the main opposition has therefore to be politically aware and functionally contributive. As a prospective leader of the government, he or she must set a suitable example to his/her party people. He must earn the confidence of the people and offer constructive criticism of actions and plans of the government.

As president of the Congress party, Rahul Gandhi has failed his party and the country on every count. He was not elected as the party's president democratically. His reading of the political situation is abysmally poor and hence his party's poor show in the 2019 elections. He could not win the parliamentary poll even in his family fiefdom of Amethi. He exhorts his party MPs to 'shout a little more' and thereby create difficulties for the government. In short, Rahul Gandhi exhibits abundant amateurishness and scant seriousness.

The greatest service Rahul Gandhi can now render to his party and the country is to keep his word on resigning from presidentship of the party. Sycophants, mother and sister may try to dissuade him for their own benefit. Congress has put up with him too long and has already paid a heavy price. Should the pain continue?

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