Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Government's Vishwaroopam

The word 'Vishwaroopam' literally means 'form of the world'. It also signifies what an entity exhibits in its totality. Thus when Krishna showed His Vishwaroopam to Arjuna in the midst of Bagawad Gita conversation, the latter was awe-struck to witness the entire universe. The idea conveyed was that everything is divine.

In banning the release of the film "Vishwaroopam", the Tamilnadu government has exposed its own vishwaroopam. It has revealed its meanness, disregard for law, vengefulness, perversity and propensity to appease fringe elements for electoral benefit. The state government has unconvincingly attributed its patently unlawful decision to law and order implications. Everyone knows this is a red-herring.

Manish Tewari, the Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, gratuitously suggested to the state government that it should not act against the spirit of supreme court judgements. This sane plea expectedly fell on deaf ears. 'Vinaasa kaale vibhareedha buddhi.'

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Festival of controversies

The Jaipur LitFest has become a ConFest (Controversy Festival). Kirorilal Meena threatens women participants that if they drink at the festival, he would beat them up himself! He is an M.P. Who else can talk like this?

Ashis Nandy, author cum sociologist, argues that most corrupt people are from OBC, SC and ST. He has subsequently clarified but not denied the statement. Has he done any statistical analysis? He has not clarified. Apparently this is only a gross generalisation based perhaps on perception. Narendra Modi, easily the least corrupt chief minister on date, belongs to OBC.

There are strident calls for Nandy's arrest. Rather, he should be asked to prove his controversial statement. In case he stumbles, he should be named and shamed. If facts and figures are on his side, a deeper sociological study would be welcome.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Gandhis' altruism

In a prepared text in Chintan Shivir (Thought Camp), Rahul Gandhi read out that his mother knows that power is poison and therefore she cried on his becoming the vice-president of the Congress party.

The Gandhis do not want others to taste this poison. That is why they do not desire to give up power. Though Rahul Gandhi is all for decentralisation, his altruistic tendency is preventing sharing his powers with others. What a catch-22 situation!

Rahul Gandhi has confirmed that Congress is his family. So also are youth Congress and Mahila Congress. Touche!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Judicial Silence and Judicious Silence

There is a keen competition between Manmohan Singh and Justice Clarence Thomas on who is more taciturn. It is now reported that the U S Supreme Court was taken by complete surprise when on 14th January the famously reticent judge made a 4-word comment on the qualification of a defense lawyer.

Lawyers present in the court could not understand the substance of Thomas' remarks because they were least prepared to hear anything from him. The judge is a product of Yale Law School. But the school and the judge detest each other (though attempts are on to create a patch-up). He has justified his silence saying it is difficult to intervene in a voluble court and also that common courtesy demands that he is heard less. Surprisingly he has also admitted that he had never asked a question in school or college (he admitted this only after he was confirmed as a judge by the American senate after an acrimonious debate!) and that he was intimidated by other students.

Atleast Clarence Thomas is aware of his quality and has tried to reason it out. Our prime minister who is a personification of silence never admits his distinct quality. It is a case of judicious silence to avoid further problems which may arise when he starts speaking.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thuglak's 43rd annual meeting

I could not attend the meeting on 14th January due to unavoidable reasons. There are quite a few people who are interested in this annual meeting. Some of them who could not be present scan this blog to know what transpired. I regret I am unable to be of service to them this year.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

World Giving Index

The following table shows how charitable different countries are. DM % REFERS TO PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE DONATING MONEY TO OTHERS. Similarly, VT % and HS %. India ranks 133 out of 153 countries in the overall index. India is 86th in Donating Money, 104th in Volunteering Time and 146th in Helping a Stranger. It doesn't speak well of the country.

The index is compiled by the Charities Aid Foundation based the data gathered by Gallup.

World Giving Index 2012

DM Donating money

VT Volunteering Time

HS Helping a stranger

# Country WGI score DM (%) DM ranking VT (%) VT ranking HS (%) HS ranking # 2011 change

1 Australia 60% 76% 2 37% 12 67% 10 3 ( 2)

2 Ireland 60% 79% 1 34% 15 66% 13 2 ()

3 Canada 58% 64% 10 42% 7 67% 10 7 ( 4)

4 New Zealand 57% 66% 8 38% 11 68% 9 4 ()

5 United States 57% 57% 13 42% 7 71% 3 1 ( 4)

6 Netherlands 53% 73% 3 34% 15 51% 49 6 ()

7 Indonesia 52% 71% 5 41% 10 43% 77 49 ( 42)

8 United Kingdom 51% 72% 4 26% 35 56% 33 5 ( 3)

9 Paraguay 50% 48% 23 42% 7 61% 22 42 ( 33)

10 Denmark 49% 70% 7 23% 45 54% 43 17 ( 7)

11 Liberia 49% 12% 109 53% 2 81% 1 14 ( 3)

12 Iran 48% 51% 21 24% 41 70% 6 91 ( 79)

13 Turkmenistan 48% 30% 52 58% 1 56% 33 14 ( 1)

14 Qatar 47% 53% 17 17% 67 71% 3 19 ( 5)

15 Sri Lanka 47% 42% 30 43% 6 55% 38 8 ( 7)

16 Trinidad and Tobago 45% 44% 26 30% 23 62% 19 26 ( 10)

17 Finland 45% 50% 22 27% 30 57% 29 21 ( 4)

17 Philippines 45% 32% 47 44% 5 58% 26 32 ( 15)

19 Hong Kong 44% 64% 10 13% 87 56% 33 11 ( 8)

19 Oman 44% 39% 32 22% 48 72% 2 na na

21 Cyprus 44% 56% 14 27% 30 48% 57 28 ( 7)

21 Malta 44% 66% 8 22% 48 43% 77 19 ( 2)

23 Mauritius 43% 52% 19 35% 14 43% 77 na na

24 Dominican Republic 43% 32% 47 34% 15 62% 19 49 ( 25)

24 Uzbekistan 43% 28% 56 46% 3 54% 43 46 ( 22)

26 Thailand 42% 71% 5 15% 78 40% 92 9 ( 17)

27 Somaliland 42% 44% 26 19% 61 62% 19 39 ( 12)

28 Austria 41% 53% 17 24% 41 47% 58 29 ( 1)

28 Luxembourg 41% 56% 14 27% 30 41% 88 21 ( 7)

30 Angola 40% 31% 50 33% 18 56% 33 35 ( 5)

31 Honduras 40% 33% 40 29% 26 57% 29 80 ( 51)

32 Jamaica 39% 22% 72 32% 19 64% 16 52 ( 30)

33 Sierra Leone 39% 15% 97 30% 23 71% 3 42 ( 9)

34 Chile 38% 45% 25 14% 84 56% 33 44 ( 10)

34 Germany 38% 43% 28 22% 48 50% 51 26 ( 8)

34 Slovenia 38% 35% 37 36% 13 44% 71 36 ( 2)

37 Sweden 38% 56% 14 11% 99 47% 58 40 ( 3)

37 United Arab Emirates 38% 47% 24 12% 93 55% 38 47 ( 10)

37 Zambia 38% 21% 77 24% 41 69% 7 78 ( 41)

40 Cambodia 37% 61% 12 10% 104 40% 92 62 ( 22)

40 Kenya 37% 23% 69 24% 41 64% 16 62 ( 22)

42 Colombia 37% 23% 69 22% 48 65% 15 45 ( 3)

43 Sudan 36% 19% 86 23% 45 67% 10 51 ( 8)

44 Ghana 36% 23% 69 32% 19 53% 48 21 ( 23)

45 South Korea 36% 33% 40 29% 26 45% 68 57 ( 12)

46 Mongolia 35% 42% 30 32% 19 32% 118 59 ( 13)

46 Uganda 35% 20% 80 20% 56 66% 13 62 ( 16)

48 Afghanistan 35% 33% 40 21% 53 51% 49 54 ( 6)

48 Costa Rica 35% 29% 53 22% 48 54% 43 47 ( 1)

48 Guatemala 35% 27% 60 31% 22 47% 58 29 ( 19)

48 Swaziland 35% 20% 80 27% 30 58% 26 na na

52 Malawi 34% 22% 72 27% 30 54% 43 36 ( 14)

52 Taiwan 34% 43% 28 16% 73 44% 71 67 ( 15)

54 Belgium 34% 38% 34 26% 35 38% 101 54 ()

54 France 34% 29% 53 29% 26 44% 71 80 ( 26)

54 Israel 34% 52% 19 14% 84 36% 108 38 ( 16)

57 Italy 33% 37% 35 18% 64 45% 68 104 ( 47)

58 Nigeria 33% 15% 97 26% 35 57% 29 13 ( 45)

58 Panama 33% 35% 37 23% 45 40% 92 71 ( 13)

58 Syria 33% 31% 50 10% 104 57% 29 90 ( 32)

61 Bolivia 32% 22% 72 20% 56 55% 38 94 ( 33)

61 Tajikistan 32% 6% 136 45% 4 46% 63 41 ( 20)

63 Zimbabwe 32% 10% 115 26% 35 60% 23 100 ( 37)

64 Lesotho 32% 10% 115 16% 73 69% 7 na na

65 Bahrain 31% 33% 40 15% 78 45% 68

66 Guinea 31% 21% 77 13% 87 58% 26

67 Cameroon 30% 17% 93 11% 99 63% 18

67 Haiti 30% 39% 32 25% 40 27% 135

67 Lebanon 30% 33% 40 8% 114 50% 51

70 South Africa 30% 15% 97 19% 61 55% 38

70 Vietnam 30% 33% 40 10% 104 46% 63

72 Mauritania 29% 28% 56 17% 67 43% 77

72 Spain 29% 26% 62 13% 87 49% 55

74 Latvia 29% 34% 39 12% 93 40% 92

75 Mexico 28% 22% 72 17% 67 46% 63

76 Azerbaijan 28% 20% 80 28% 29 36% 108

76 Malaysia 28% 32% 47 26% 35 26% 136

78 Gabon 28% 10% 115 13% 87 60% 23

79 Comoros 27% 12% 109 19% 61 50% 51

79 Estonia 27% 19% 86 21% 53 41% 88

79 Kosovo 27% 28% 56 11% 99 42% 84

79 Slovakia 27% 37% 35 13% 87 31% 120

83 Brazil 27% 24% 68 12% 93 44% 71

83 Congo 27% 10% 115 16% 73 54% 43

85 Japan 26% 33% 40 21% 53 25% 138

85 Pakistan 26% 25% 65 12% 93 42% 84

87 Saudi Arabia 26% 25% 65 9% 111 44% 71

88 Moldova 26% 19% 86 17% 67 41% 88

89 Nicaragua 25% 21% 77 18% 64 36% 108

89 Uruguay 25% 25% 65 11% 99 39% 99

91 Belarus 25% 16% 96 30% 23 28% 132

91 Iraq 25% 20% 80 8% 114 46% 63

93 Argentina 24% 18% 92 15% 78 40% 92

94 Hungary 24% 26% 62 8% 114 38% 101

94 Peru 24% 17% 93 15% 78 40% 92

94 Poland 24% 28% 56 8% 114 36% 108

94 Tunisia 24% 8% 129 5% 135 59% 25

98 Czech Republic 24% 27% 60 14% 84 30% 124

99 Central African Republic 23% 12% 109 15% 78 43% 77

99 Kyrgyzstan 23% 7% 130 20% 56 43% 77

99 Tanzania 23% 13% 105 8% 114 49% 55

102 Chad 23% 19% 86 13% 87 37% 104

102 Mali 23% 7% 130 7% 125 55% 38

104 Macedonia 23% 22% 72 7% 125 39% 99

105 Botswana 22% 6% 136 15% 78 46% 63

105 Egypt 22% 14% 102 6% 131 47% 58

105 Lithuania 22% 20% 80 11% 99 36% 108

108 El Salvador 22% 14% 102 12% 93 40% 92

109 Bangladesh 22% 13% 105 10% 104 42% 84

110 Jordan 21% 15% 97 5% 135 44% 71

111 Mozambique 21% 10% 115 17% 67 36% 108

111 Ukraine 21% 7% 130 20% 56 36% 108

113 Djibouti 21% 13% 105 8% 114 41% 88

114 Singapore 20% 29% 53 8% 114 24% 140

115 Kazakhstan 20% 10% 115 20% 56 30% 124

115 Bosnia and Herzegovina 20% 26% 62 4% 138 30% 124

115 Nepal 20% 17% 93 18% 64 25% 138

118 Senegal 20% 3% 145 6% 131 50% 51

119 Portugal 19% 19% 86 10% 104 29% 129

119 Romania 19% 20% 80 4% 138 34% 116

119 Armenia 19% 6% 136 9% 111 43% 77

119 Niger 19% 7% 130 4% 138 47% 58

123 Palestine 19% 11% 112 8% 114 37% 104

123 Venezuela 19% 10% 115 8% 114 38% 101

125 Algeria 18% 11% 112 7% 125 37% 104

126 Morocco 18% 6% 136 6% 131 42% 84

127 Russia 18% 7% 130 17% 67 29% 129

128 Ecuador 17% 14% 102 7% 125 30% 124

128 Georgia 17% 3% 145 16% 73 32% 118

130 Burkina Faso 17% 6% 136 8% 114 36% 108

130 Democratic Republic of the Congo 17% 9% 126 10% 104 31% 120

132 Croatia 16% 15% 97 6% 131 28% 132

133 India 16% 19% 86 10% 104 19% 146

134 Benin 15% 5% 141 7% 125 34% 116

134 Madagascar 15% 9% 126 16% 73 21% 143

134 Yemen 15% 5% 141 4% 138 37% 104

137 Bulgaria 15% 10% 115 4% 138 31% 120

137 Serbia 15% 13% 105 3% 145 29% 129

137 Turkey 15% 10% 115 4% 138 31% 120

140 Burundi 14% 5% 141 8% 114 28% 132

141 China 13% 10% 115 4% 138 26% 136

141 Rwanda 13% 11% 112 9% 111 20% 145

141 Togo 13% 7% 130 12% 93 21% 143

144 Albania 13% 9% 126 7% 125 23% 141

145 Greece 13% 5% 141 3% 145 30% 124

145 Montenegro 13% 10% 115 5% 135 23% 141

[edit] References

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Most and Least stressful jobs

CareerCast is a California-based internet's premier career site for finding targeted job opportunities by industry, function and location. Periodically they list out most stressful and least stressful jobs.

According to the latest list issued in the beginning of the new year, the most stressful jobs in descending order are 1)Enlisted military personnel, 2)Military General, 3)Fire fighter, 4)commercial airline pilot, 5)PR Executive, 6)senior corporate executive, 7)photojournalist, 8)newspaper reporter, 9)taxi driver and 10)police officer.

The least stressful jobs are 1)university professor, 2)tailor, 3)medical records technician, 4)jeweller, 5)medical laboratory technician, 6)audiologist, 7)dietitian, 8)hairstylist, 9)librarian, 10)drill press operator.

It is tempting to prepare a similar list more relevant for India with a small twist. Instead of 'stressful jobs', we may list out what jobs/professions create most stress for others. Politicians, autorickshaw drivers and police are sure to rank on top.

It is a bit surprising that doctors do not figure among the most stressful jobs.

In the Indian context, we may enunciate a Law of Constancy of Stress. "Stress created by any job is a constant. Stress is either absorbed by the job-performer or released to others." Politicians and police release all their stress to other citizens. Hence, they don't take in any stress!

Prof.V.G.Narayanan's Lecture

Prof.V.G.Narayanan of Harvard Business School delivered the 7th S.Ganapathisubramanian Memorial Lecture in Chennai on 5th January. The event was under the auspices of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

The lecture was marked by profound ideas and subtle humour. The professor who is a Chartered Accountant, MBA from IIMA and a Ph.D. in Business from Graduate School of Business at Stanford University spoke on "The future of Indian Management Accounting in the global context".

Narayanan emphasised the importance of online education in enabling customised teaching for millions. He was of the view that India can and should play a leading role in making this happen. Costs per student will fall drastically when online education becomes the norm. Universalisation of education will then become a reality. Way to go!