Rajeshwar Singh, deputy director in the Enforcement Directorate is investigating the 2G scam under Supreme Court's monitoring. He has been harassed through multiple complaints against him lodged with ministries, MPs and a PIL filed in the Allahabad High Court.
The Supreme Court has taken serious note of this and has today commented, "If this is allowed to happen, then no one would be able to investigate the case. God has been very kind to Rajeshwar Singh. He is still alive!"
The Court has been pained to add,"It shows that it was done on the instructions of someone at the top in the hierarchy. We won't be surprised if that happens to anyone of us also". The court could not have been more bitter.
The Union Law Minister must be summoned by the Court and asked to explain what is happening. Perhaps the former Law Minister also has a lot to explain.
The Supreme Court has taken serious note of this and has today commented, "If this is allowed to happen, then no one would be able to investigate the case. God has been very kind to Rajeshwar Singh. He is still alive!"
The Court has been pained to add,"It shows that it was done on the instructions of someone at the top in the hierarchy. We won't be surprised if that happens to anyone of us also". The court could not have been more bitter.
The Union Law Minister must be summoned by the Court and asked to explain what is happening. Perhaps the former Law Minister also has a lot to explain.
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