RBI is one
of the few central banks which ensure scrupulous compliance with various norms
pronounced by Bank for International Settlements (BIS). BIS is an international
organization that fosters global monetary and financial cooperation and serves
as a bank for central banks. RBI is legitimately proud of its record of complying
with the requirements of BIS even unmindful of being ridiculed as being holier
than the Pope.
therefore, was not pleased when the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
(BCBS) recently released an assessment on Basel III implementation by India and
South Africa, on behalf of BIS. India has been assessed only as “largely
compliant” regarding implementation of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
standard whereas South Africa has been assessed as compliant. Assessment grades
are 1) compliant (L), 2) largely compliant (LC), 3) materially non-compliant
(MNC !, exclamation intended) and 4)non-compliant (NC).
BCBS had assessed the implementation of Hong Kong and Mexico as compliant for
LCR standard. LCR is defined as the proportion of High Quality Liquid Assets
(HQLA) to total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days under defined
conditions of stress, expressed as a percentage. LCR came into effect on 1st
January, 2015. The minimum requirement for banks is 60% now, progressively
increasing by 10% every year. Thus, LCR has to be 100% by 1st
January, 2019. It is worth noting that Basel III gives more prominence to
liquidity and thereby corrects an unintended mistake that occurred in earlier
Basel documents, a mistake that was realized only when quite a few banks
started going bankrupt during the 2008 global crisis despite the apparent
promise of adequate capital.
To qualify
as HQLA, assets need to be unencumbered in addition to being easily and
immediately convertible into cash without loss of value. Hence these assets
satisfy the criteria of low risk, ease & certainty of valuation, low
correlation with risky assets, listing in developed & recognized exchange,
active & sizable market and low volatility.
The reason
as to why India is not assessed as (fully) compliant in relation to LCR is that
RBI treats State Government Bonds as HQLA whereas BCBS gives this status only
to Central Government Bonds. RBI has taken up with BCBS that State Government
Bonds in India satisfy the requirements of HQLA and as such must be treated as
high quality liquid assets. BCBS is not yet fully convinced. It appears that
the view of BCBS is not without merit. RBI may take consolation from the fact
that banks’ investment in State Government Bonds is much less when compared
with Central Government Bonds. Nevertheless, it is not a pleasant situation for
RBI which jealously guards its reputation as a fully compliant constituent of
BIS, to be told that some other central bank is implementing a part of Basel
III in a better way. It will be interesting to watch if RBI would modify its
position on State Government Bonds.
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