LIC keeps advertising that its claims settlement process is simple . The advertisements claim that the nominees need to submit only Death Certificate, Policy, Claim Form and Bank Account details along with proof of identity of the nominee / claimant. They also claim that the claim can be lodged in any branch of LIC.
The reality is far from all these claims. LIC insists that the nominee should lodge the claim only in the base branch which has issued the policy. Even within Chennai, the branches require the nominee to go to the policy issuing branch. Death Certificate is not enough. Hospital should confirm the details of admission and death. ( I do not know what LIC will want if the insured passes away at home.) A person who has seen the dead body should certify the insured is dead and that he or she has seen the body. The challan issued by the crematorium is insisted upon. All these need to be notarised also !
Why is the LIC so thoughtlessly and sadistically bureaucratic? Why is the LIC making false claims in its publicity?
A person on the death bed , thinking about the torture of claim settlement, would prefer not to die. Perhaps LIC wants all of us to be Chiranjeevis !